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Abdel Halim Hafez, Che passione !

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El 'Amar
icon12  view post Posted on 16/3/2006, 02:06

Sto riscoprendo una passione forse un po' retro' :rolleyes:

ma sempre viva :wub:

Sapete dove scaricare delle canzoni di Abdel Halim Hafez?

Ne cerco una in particolare: "Zay el Hawa"

Per gli interessati ho trovato questo sito ma non tutte le canzoni "funzionano",
la mia non la si puo' avere :cry:

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Edited by hayaty - 8/7/2009, 19:31
view post Posted on 16/3/2006, 02:21

Per il momento ti dò il testo e la traduzione ^_^

Abdel Halim Hafez, Al Magmoa -

Zay El Hawa ( It Feels Like Love )

Part 1
زي الهوا يا حبيبي زي الهوا
Zay el hawa ya habibi, zay el hawa.
It feels like love, my darling, It feels like love.
وآه من الهوى يا حبيبي آه من الهوى
We ah mel hawa, ya habibi, ah mel hawa.
And I just can't take it, my darling. I can't take it.

وخذتني من إيدي يا حبيبي ومشينا
We khateni men eidee, ya habibi, we mesheena.
And you took me by the hand, my darling and we walked,
تحت القمر غنينا وسهرنا وحكينا
Taht el amar, ghanaina, we seherna wa hakaina.
Under the moon, we sang, and stayed up and talked.
وفي عز الكلام سكت الكلام
We fe iz el kalaam, siket el kalaam.
And in the midst of our words, The words stopped

وأتاريني ماسك الهوا بإيدية
Watarenee, masek el hawa be edaya.
So no wonder, I'm holding on to love with my hands.
وآه من الهوى يا حبيبي آه من الهوى يا حبيبي
We ah mel hawa ya habibi, Ah mel hawa ya habibi.
And I just can't take it, my darling. I can't take it, my darling.
Part 2
وخذتني ومشينا والفرح يضمنا
We khateni we meshena, wel farh ye domina.
And you took me and we walked, and joy embraced us,
ونسينا يا حبيبي مين إنت ومين أنا
We neseena ya habibi, meen enta we meen ana,
And we forgot, my darling, who you are and who I am.
حسيت إن هوانا ح يعيش مليون سنة
Haset enni hawana, hayeesh milion sanna.
I felt like our love, would live a million years.

وبقيت وانت معايا الدنيا ملك إيدية
We ba-et wenta ma-aya, el donia milk edaya.
And when you were with me, the world was in my hands.
أأمر على هوايا تقول أمرك يا عينية
Aqmor alla hawaya, te oul amraki ya einaya.
I ordered my love to tell you that I'm yours.
وفي عز الكلام سكت الكلام
We fe iz el kalaam, siket el kalaam.
And in the midst of our words, The words stopped

وأتاريني ماسك الهوا بإيدية
Watarenee, masek el hawa be edaya.
So no wonder, I'm holding on to love with my hands.
وآه من الهوى يا حبيبي آه من الهوى يا حبيبي
We ah mel hawa ya habibi, Ah mel hawa ya habibi.
And I just can't take it, my darling. I can't take it, my darling.
Part 3
خايف ومشيت وأنا خايف
Khaief, we mesheet wanaa khaief,
Afraid, I walked while afraid,
إيدي في إيدك وأنا خايف
Edee, fe edaak wana khaief.
My hand in yours and I'm afraid.
خايف على فرحة قلبي
Khaief alla farhet albi,
Afraid for my heart's joy,
خايف على شوقي وحبي
Khaief ala shoki we hobee.
Afraid for my passion and love.

وياما قلت لك أنا
We yama oltelak ana.
And how many times did I tell you?
واحنا في عز الهنا
Wehnaa fee eiz el hana.
When we were in the midst of joy?
قلت لك يا حبيبي
Oultilak, ya habibi.
I told you, oh my darling.
لا أنا قد الفرحة ديّ
Lana ad el farha deya,
I can neither stand this joy,
وحلاوة الفرحة ديّ
We halawt el farha deya.
Nor the beauty of this joy.
خايف لا في يوم وليلة
Khaief law fe yom we leyla,
I'm afraid that one day,
ماألاقكش بين إيدية
Ma la-eksh bein edaya.
I won't find you in my hands.
تروح وتغيب عليّ
Terooh we tegheeb, tegheeb alaya.
You'll go and be away from me.

وقلت لي يا حبيبي ساعتها
We oltelee, ya habibi, sa-et-ha,
And then you told me, my darling.
دي دنيتي إنت اللي ملتها
De donietee, entalli malet-ha.
"You have made my world whole"
وفي عز الكلام سكت الكلام
We fe iz el kalaam, siket el kalaam.
And in the midst of our words, The words stopped

وأتاريني ماسك الهوا بإيدية
Watarenee, masek el hawa be edaya.
So no wonder, I'm holding on to love with my hands.
وآه من الهوى يا حبيبي آه من الهوى يا حبيبي
We ah mel hawa ya habibi, Ah mel hawa ya habibi.
And I just can't take it, my darling. I can't take it, my darling.
Part 5
وخذتني يا حبيبي ورحت طاير طاير
We khatenee ya habibi, we roht tayer, tayer.
And you took me, my darling. And then you flew, you flew.
وفتني يا حبيبي وقلبي حاير حاير
We foteni ya habibi, we albi hayer, hayer.
Then you passed me by, my darling. And my heart was lost, lost.
وقلت لي راجع بكرة أنا راجع
We oltelee ragei, bokra ana ragei,
And you said you'd return. The next day you'd return.

وفضلت مستني بآمالي
We fedelt mestani be amani.
And I kept waiting with all hope.
ومالي البيت بالورد بالشوق بالحب بالأغاني
We malee el beit bel ward, bel shoq, bel hob, bel aghani.
Filling the house with flowers, passion, love and songs.
بشمع قايد بأحلى كلمة فوق لساني
We shamei ayed, shamei ayed, we ahla kelma fok lesanee.
And lighted candles, and the most beautiful words ready.
كان ده حالي يا حبيبي لما جيت
Kan da hali ya habibi, lama geet.
They were ready, for you my darling, when you came.

رددنا الغنوة الحلوة سوى
Radetna el ghenwa el helwa sawa.
We responded with the beautiful song together.
ودبنا مع نور الشمع .. دبنا سوى
We eloubna ma nour el shamaa sawa.
And we melted with the candle's wax, we melted together.
ودقنا حلاوة الحب .. دقناها سوى
We douqna halawt el hob. Douknaha sawa.
And we tasted the beauty of love, we tasted it together.
وفي لحظة لقيتك يا حبيبي زي دوامة هوا
We fe lahza laqetak ya habibi, ya habibi, zay dawamit hawa.
And all at once I found you, my darling, oh my darling like a tornado...

رميت الورد طفيت الشمع يا حبيبي
Ramet el ward, tafeit el shamei ya habibi.
You threw away the flowers, and put out the candles, my darling.
والغنوة الحلوة ملاها الدمع يا حبيبي
Wel ghenwa el helwa, malaha el damei ya habibi.
And the beautiful song became filled with tears oh my darling.
وفي عز الأمان ضاع مني الأمان
We fe eiz el aman, daa meneel aman.
And in the midst of hope, I lost all hope.

وأتاريني ماسك الهوا بإيدية
Watarini, masek el hawa be edaya.
So no wonder, I'm holding on to love with my hands.
وآه من الهوى يا حبيبي آه من الهوى يا حبيبي
We ah mel hawa ya habibi, Ah mel hawa ya habibi.
And I just can't take it, my darling. I can't take it, my darling.


Edited by hayaty - 8/7/2009, 19:31
El 'Amar
icon4  view post Posted on 16/3/2006, 02:27


come sono contenta, chissà se riesco a stamparla !

Ma non so se posso usare il programma che dici perchè ho un mac ( e non un pc), si mi piacerebbe riceverla via mail tongue.gif

ma non è che c'è un sito su cui posso trovarne altre ? rolleyes.gif

view post Posted on 16/3/2006, 03:16

C'è l'opzione stampa discussione! Altrimenti copi e incolli su un file word!

Prova a scaricare Emule cliccando qui , magari leggi prima se sul Mac funziona !

E' bellissima per la bellydance image

In questo

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trovi diverse canzoni di Abdul Haleem Hafiz da scaricare!

E anche

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Se clikki sul nome della canzone, si apre direttamente Windows Media player e, quando hai finito di ascoltarla tutta, clikki col tasto destro sulla barra inferiore di Wmp, vai su file --> salva con nome!

Edited by hayaty - 8/7/2009, 19:33
El 'Amar
view post Posted on 12/11/2006, 23:41

Ciao a tutti, è da un po' che non faccio un giro da queste parti! :nhh:

Ma ho ascoltato una canzone del mitico Abdel Halim! :*love*: TROPPO BELLA

Solo che, non conosco il titolo :cry:

Questa canzone ha un ritornello che fa " KUNTI SHARA.... ENNAHARDA...." ed ha una cadenza regolare e dolcissima :abbraccio:

Qualcuno sa di che canzone sto delirando??? Tra i titoli del sito qui sopra non ho trovato nulla che somigli a "Kunti..." quindi magari il titolo è diverso... :BBB:

El 'Amar
view post Posted on 13/11/2006, 00:32


L'ho trovata!

In uno dei link qui sopra, me li sono ripassati tutti! Sto sito mi porta fortuna!

Il titolo è "GABBAR" (estremo)

E la frase del ritornello è:

Sono in visibilio! :yuppiiiii: :
view post Posted on 13/11/2006, 23:22

Non potresti riportarla? Così la rendi disponibile a tutti ! Shukran!
El 'Amar
view post Posted on 14/11/2006, 01:15

Si l'ho trovata nel sito che io stessa avevo segnalato!

Il link è stato rimosso in quanto non conforme al regolamento di ForumFree

Il titolo è GABAR

Solo che non riesco a scaricarla in MP3

Posso solo leggerla con REAL :star: :

Ma ci si puo' innamorare di una canzone dico io? :baci:

Edited by hayaty - 8/7/2009, 19:33
view post Posted on 14/11/2006, 01:29

Ah, io pensavo che avevi trovato il testo! Cmq puoi salvarla una volta che la apri con Real, nn sò che versione Real hai ma con l'ultima basta che clicchi su "in riproduzione" e ti esce una finestrina e in basso clicchi sull'icona per salvare e fai "salva file"


El 'Amar
view post Posted on 14/11/2006, 02:22

Ho la versione 10 di Real per mac, non è come per il pc.

Si la canzone la posso ritrovare nell' "historique" o nei favoriti, ma non è come salvarla in mp3. Salva solamente il link internet ma non il file.

Bah cerchero' su internet un'altra versione di Real.

La traduzione della canzone l'ho trovata su un libro che ho, ed è tradotta in francese....

Non so se puo' veramente interessare qualcuno, visto che sono l'unica a strabiliare per questa musica :huh:

cmq ci provo a tradurla dal francese


- lei è estrema nella sua dolcezza, lei è estrema nella sua durezza.

- mi sono lasciato trasportare dal suo sorriso e le sue lacrime mi hanno ingannato.

- non sapevo prima di oggi

- che gli occhi possono ingannarvi cosi'

- e non credevo fino ad oggi

- che la tenerezza potesse toccarvi tanto

- l'ho incontrata diverse volte ma non ho potuto riconoscerla

- l'ho vista tante volte ma non ho potuto capirla

- lei diceva "ti amo" , si' lei lo diceva

- e nella foga del mio cuore ho creduto subito alla sua sincerità

- vedevo, ascoltavo, sentivo solo attraverso il suo cuore

- non vivevo per me ma per lei

- tu, l'estrema dolcezza, che mi ha insegnato l'amore, come avrei preferito non averlo imparato con te, vissuto con te

- perchè avermi ingannato? Perchè avermi fatto dimenticare il mondo cullandomi nella tua dolcezza?

- eravamo unici tutti e due, ad aver conosciuto tutto quell'amore

- coronavamo il nostro sogno nella passione

- perchè mi tiri giù dal paradiso con la sofferenza e le lacrime?

- avresti potuto aver pietà di me e lasciarmi nelle mie illusioni

Ecco, adesso piango :sigh:
icon4  view post Posted on 30/12/2006, 16:26

E se vi trovo io il testo.... anzi è inutile cercarlo ve lo faccio direttamente io,ma mi ci vuole un po di tempo.Appena lo finisco lo pubblico subito su il nostro mitico forum..

IO vado ke c'ho tanto da lavora con "gabbar" ke è abbastanza lunga
view post Posted on 30/12/2006, 18:38

Ekkomi sono tornato...penso di non averci messo molto!!!!

La canzone "gabbar" è stata cantata da 3abel 7alim 7afez in un film in bianco e nero di nome "Ma3bott ah gamahir".Lui era il protagonista e la protagonista femmina era "Shadya"anke lei cantate molto brava egiziana.Questa canzone la cantata dopo che il giorno del suo matrimonio con "Shadya",lei davanti a tutti gli invitati gli ha detto che nn lo amava e che era meglio che si lasciavano perchè lui non era alla sua altezza.Lui rimanendoci male se ne andò e pensò solo al suo lavoro da cantante finchè diventò molto famoso.LA storia del film è molto lunga e bella...abbastanza romantica :D ve la racconterò un'altra volta per adesso vi accontento con il testo della bellissima canzone del mitico 3abdel 7alim 7afez.


fe re2eto gabbar
gabbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar,fe asweto gabbar (x2)
5ada3etny de7keto we 5anetny dam3eto (x2)
we makontesh a3raf abl ennaharda enne al 3eyoon dy ta3raf te5oon bel shakl da
wala kont asadda2 abl el naharda enne al 7anan ye2dar yekoon bel shakl da

3erefto ad ma3refto wala 3ereftoosh,we shofto add ma shofto wala fehemtoosh (x2)
kan bey2olly ba7ebbak aywa kan bey2ool wana men lahfet alby sadda2to,sadda2to 3alatool(x2)
kont ashoofo we asma3 we a7es be albo howa,kont 3aiesh msh 3ashany 3ashano howa
kont ashoofo we asma3 we a7es be albo howa,kont 3aiesh msh 3ashany 3ashano howa,3ashano howa.
we makontesh a3raf abl ennaharda enne al 3eyoon dy ta3raf te5oon bel shakl da
wala kont asadda2 abl el naharda enne al 7anan ye2dar yekoon bel shakl da.

ya m3allemny el 7ob yaretny yaretny mat3allemto ma3ak wala shofto
leh te5da3ny leh leh leh 5alletny ansa al donya we a3ish fe 7alawto
da makansh fe etnen zayena,shafo elle shofna fe 7obbena(x2)
el 7elm konna bene7lamo we nekammelo men ba3dena (x2)
lehhh lehhhh lehhhhh leh tesa7iny fe west al ganna be nar nar we domoo3 domoo3
kont er7amny we sebny shwaya a3eesh a3eesh ma5doo3 a3eesh ma5doo3.
we makontesh a3raf abl ennaharda enne al 3eyoon dy ta3raf te5oon bel shakl da
wala kont asadda2 abl alnaharda enne al 7anan ye2dar yekoon bel shakl da.(x2)

al bey2ool lel 7ob yeb3ed 3an tari2y ay 7ob gedid ya welo ya welo men 7ari2y(x3)
law 7asadef alb mo5les msh ha2amenlo we a5oono
we en de7ek 3alaya had7ak we a5da3o we yemken a5oono
zay 3'erna ma ba3ny aby3 3omr al hawa we 3ahdo
zay ma alby ma da3 tedi3 koll el olub ba3do.(x2)

walla a2ollak la ya alby leh ne loom 3al 7ob leh ,da elle 5anak 5an shabab el 7ob 5ano we da3 3aleh
ya3ny ana we el 7ob we enta konna la3ba konna la3ba ben ydeh
we makontesh a3raf abl ennaharda enne al 3oyun dy ta3raf te5oon bel shakl da
wala kont asadda2 abl alnaharda enne al 7anan ye2dar yekoon bel shakl da.(x2)

P.S complimenti alla traduzione della canzone che ha fatto el amar.Ho ritrovato il significato della canzone nella traduzione fatta da lei.
view post Posted on 15/1/2008, 17:07

Abdel Halim... basta sentire una sola sua canzone per amarlo... :nhh:

Gabbar è davvero stupenda... questi sono i video che ho trovato (prima e seconda parte ^^):

Il link è stato rimosso in quanto non conforme al regolamento di ForumFree

Un'altra sua canzone che non riesco mai a smettere di cantare è questa:


Peccato che non sia ancora riuscita a trovare nè il testo, nè la traslitterazione e neppure la traduzione...
ma ci stiamo lavorando image

Alf boosa

Edited by hayaty - 8/7/2009, 19:34
view post Posted on 24/2/2008, 00:08

CITAZIONE (Lilady @ 15/1/2008, 17:07)
Peccato che non sia ancora riuscita a trovare nè il testo, nè la traslitterazione e neppure la traduzione...
ma ci stiamo lavorando image

Ehm, lo so... rasento la patologia, ma lasciatemelo dire, vi prego... ehm, dunque... L'HO TROVATAAAAAAAAAAA!!! :w: :w: :w: :yuppiiiii: : :yuppiiiii: : :yuppiiiii: : :kissall:

Tell Him

Ooloolo, Ooloolo, Ooloolo, Ooloolo ilha2ee2a.
Tell him, tell him, tell him, tell him the truth.
Ooloolo bahibbo, bahibbo min awwil di2ee2a
Tell him I love him, loved him from the first minute. 2x
Ooloolo Bahibbo, iw imtawihni hobbo, ooloolo bahibbo, iw imtawihni hobbo, bi ibhooro ilgharee2a, abo i3yoon garee2a, abo i3yoon garee2a.
Tell him I love him and his love is getting me lost in his sinking eyes, the father of courageous eyes, the father of courageous eyes.

Ooloolo, Ooloolo, Ooloolo, Ooloolo ilha2ee2a.
Tell him, tell him, tell him, tell him the truth.
Ooloolo bahibbo, bahibbo min awwil di2ee2a
Tell him I love him, loved him from the first minute. 2x
Ooloolo Bahibbo, iw imtawihni hobbo, ooloolo bahibbo, iw imtawihni hobbo, bi ibhooro ilgharee2a, abo i3yoon garee2a, abo i3yoon garee2a.
Tell him I love him and his love is getting me lost in his sinking eyes, the father of courageous eyes, the father of courageous eyes.

Kan maali ma konti ibhaali mit-hanni bi albi ilkhaali
It did not concern me, I was happy by myself with my empty heart. 4x
Maal rimsho ilgaree2 wi nadahli, iw if agmal 3iyoon tawihni.His courageous eyelid bent and called me and I became confused in his most beautiful eyes. 2x
Ooloolo nadahli laih, hayarni iw shaghalni 3alaih
Tell him why he called me for ?, confused me and got me to worry about him. 2x
Bilhob illi dari wil shoa2 illi aayem wi i3yooknow ilgaree2a, abo i3yoon garee2a.
In the knowing love and the standing yearning and his courageous eyes, the owner (father) of courageous eyes.

Ooloolo, Ooloolo, Ooloolo, Ooloolo ilha2ee2a.
Tell him, tell him, tell him, tell him the truth.
Ooloolo bahibbo, bahibbo min awwil di2ee2a
Tell him I love him, loved him from the first minute. 2x
Ooloolo Bahibbo, iw imtawihni hobbo, ooloolo bahibbo, iw imtawihni hobbo, bi ibhooro ilgharee2a, abo i3yoon garee2a, abo i3yoon garee2a.
Tell him I love him and his love is getting me lost in his sinking eyes, the father of courageous eyes, the father of courageous eyes.

Kan ganby iw 3oyooknow habaybi, nasooni illi 3aysheen ganbi, 3aysheen ganbi
He was beside me and his eyes were my darling they made me forget about who is living beside me, living beside me. 5x
Bassitlow awam habaito, iw ib-agmal mo2abla nadaitow.
I looked at him and immediately loved him and in the most beautiful meeting I called him 3x

Ooloolo yi oolli 3alaih, Eih aakhrait da kollo eih.
Tell him to tell me about him. What is the end of all of this. 2x
Ya iynaseeni hobbo, Ya iysahee bialbo wi 3iyoknow ilgaree2a, abo i3yoon garee2a
Either he makes me forget his love or to wakes me up by his heart and his courageous eyes, the father (owner) of courageous eyes.

Ooloolo, Ooloolo, Ooloolo, Ooloolo ilha2ee2a.
Tell him, tell him, tell him, tell him the truth.
Ooloolo bahibbo, bahibbo min awwil di2ee2a
Tell him I love him, loved him from the first minute. 2x
Ooloolo Bahibbo, iw imtawihni hobbo, ooloolo bahibbo, iw imtawihni hobbo, bi ibhooro ilgharee2a, abo i3yoon garee2a, abo i3yoon garee2a.
Tell him I love him and his love is getting me lost in his sinking eyes, the father of courageous eyes, the father of courageous eyes.

Taaaal sho2i, wi taal ta3zeebi. Taaaal sho2i, wi taal ta3zeebi, iw ilimta hadari laheebi, laheebi.
My yearning and suffering are long. Long yearning, long suffering and till when I am going to take care of my flame, my flame. 2x
Ha awsiflo gharami dah kollo, wif awail mo2abla ha oollo.
I will describe my wound to him and in the first meeting I will tell him. 2x
Taaaal sho2i, wi taal ta3zeebi. Taaaal sho2i, wi taal ta3zeebi, iw ilimta hadari laheebi, laheebi.
My yearning and suffering are long. Long yearning, long suffering and till when I am going to take care of my flame, my flame. 2x
Ha awsiflo gharami dah kollo, wif awail mo2abla ha oollo.
I will describe my wound to him and in the first meeting I will tell him. 2x

Taaaal sho2i, wi taal ta3zeebi. Taaaal sho2i, wi taal ta3zeebi, iw ilimta hadari laheebi, laheebi.
My yearning and suffering are long. Long yearning, long suffering and till when I am going to take care of my flame, my flame.
Taaaal, taaaal, aah, taal sho2i, taaaal sho2i, taaaal, taal, taal, taal, taaaal, taaaal.
It is too long, it is too long, aah. my yearning is long . My yearning is long, too long, too long, too long, too long, too long, too long.
Taal sho3i, taaaal, taaaal, taaaal sho2i, taal, taal, taal sho2i taal sho2i, taal sho2i, taal sho2i, taal sho2i taal, sho2i, taal sho2i, taal sho2i, sho2i taal, taaaal, aah, aah, aah, taaaal.
My yearning is long, long, long. My yearning is long, long, long, long yearning. My yearning is long, yearning, long yearning, long yearning, long yearning, long yearning, long, aah, aah, aah, long.

Taaaal, taal sho2i, taaaal sho2i, taal sho2i, taaaal, sho2i, taal sho2i, taaaal, taaaal sho2i, taaaal sho2i, taaaal, taal sho2i.
Long, long yearning, long yearning. Long yearning, long, yearning, long yearning, long, long yearning, long yearning, long, long yearning.
Taaaal sho2i wi taal ta3zeebi, taaaal sho2i wi taal ta3zeebi, iwil imta hadari laheebi, laheebi.
Long yearning and long suffering, long yearning and suffering and till when I am going to take care of my flame, my flame.
Taaaal, taal sho2i, taaaal sho2i, taal sho2i, taaaal, sho2i, taal sho2i, taaaal, taaaal sho2i, taaaal sho2i, taaaal, taal sho2i.
Long, long yearning, long yearning. Long yearning, long, yearning, long yearning, long, long yearning, long yearning, long, long yearning.
Taaaal sho2i wi taal ta3zeebi, taaaal sho2i wi taal ta3zeebi, iwil imta hadari laheebi, laheebi.
Long yearning and long suffering, long yearning and suffering and till when I am going to take care of my flame, my flame.

Ha awsiflo gharami dah kollo, wif awail mo2abla ha oollo.
I will describe to him all my love and in the first meeting I will tell him. 2x
Wa ihliflo ib layali ilsho2, wi ingoom ilsama illi foa2. Ahliflo ib layali ilsho2, wi ingoom ilsama illi foa2. Izzay albi habbo, wilbal inshaghal boh min awill da2ee2a, abo 3yoon garee2a.
I will sware to him in the love nights and the sky stars above how my heart loved him, and my brain got busy with him from the first minute, the father of courageous eyes.

Ooloolo, Ooloolo, Ooloolo, Ooloolo ilha2ee2a.
Tell him, tell him, tell him, tell him the truth.
Ooloolo bahibbo, bahibbo min awwil di2ee2a
Tell him I love him, loved him from the first minute. 2x
Ooloolo Bahibbo, iw imtawihni hobbo, ooloolo bahibbo, iw imtawihni hobbo, bi ibhooro ilgharee2a, abo i3yoon garee2a, abo i3yoon garee2a.
Tell him I love him and his love is getting me lost in his sinking eyes, the father of courageous eyes, the father of courageous eyes. 2x

Alf boosa

view post Posted on 24/2/2008, 20:59

non sei l'unica a cui piace questo cantante :wub: me ne parlava un amico egiziano che diceva ..nessuno come lui sapeva esprimere le emozioni del cuore..basta leggere i suoi testi.. :OOO: si..anche a me piace tanto!
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